Marilyn and John

Marilyn and John

Rendezvous with Destiny


Fifty years after their untimely deaths, why do Marilyn and John still inspire such incredible fascination? What magic inhabits ordinary beings-- an abandoned little girl and a great grandson of indigent immigrants-- to such extraordinary destinies?

These characters-- straight out of novels: rich, famous and beautiful-- touched glory and lived through hell, at the White House and in Hollywood. The most powerful President of the twentieth century and the sexiest star in the world, amazingly human behind their glossy public images, tragically disappearing in the prime of their lives—brutal deaths, never completely elucidated, that elevated them to mythic status.

The moment they met, each perceived the other as in a mirror-- same origins, same childhood, craving maternal love. Masking deep inner wounds, both were seductive and both unfaithful. Dependent on prescription drugs, they were strong and fragile all at once. The playboy couldn't take his eyes off her and she smiled coyly, as if apologizing for being so pretty. He was eloquent; she was elegant. They both fell under the spell…

Their liaison, known by their entourage, intimates or associates, the press, the FBI, the Mafia and even foreign governments, was classified top secret in Puritan America. A true love story or a passing fancy? No matter, their names will remain entwined for eternity.

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Éditeur : MVDR Langue : anglais
Genre : Histoire Sortie : 9 décembre 2013
Sous-genre : XXe siècle

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Ecrivain, historienne et professeur d’histoire. Passionnée des États-Unis. Curieuse infatigable, elle multiplie les expériences, notamment dans le domaine journalistique : presse écrite, radio, télévision. - Premier livre d’histoire: « Henri IV et les femmes. De l'amour à la mort ». Editions Sud-ouest. Nominée au Prix Hugues Capet 2010. Prix de la révélation au salon du livre d’Orthez. Autres livres parus : - « Le Clan Clovis. Une saga familiale au cœur de la violence ». Editions l’Harmattan. Paris. 2011. - « Marilyn et John. Destins brisés ». Edts Carpentier. Paris. Juillet 2012. - « Marilyn and John. Rendezvous with Destiny ». Version américaine. Juillet 2013. - « Ma vie avec Louis XIV… ». Premier roman. Sortie Tome1 juillet 2014.
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